High Littleton FC is affiliated with Somerset Football Association, so we take guidance from them as well as The FA. Football is only enjoyable if the players, officials and spectators feel safe and supported. 
Please find below links to all the policies that we follow that are implemented by The FA.


Sadly, not everything goes to plan and very very occasionally we require the help of the emergency services. Here is the link to the Clubs Emergency Plan

hlfc emergency-action-plan.pdf

We offer the opportunity for football to be played by not only children, but we have a thriving adult section, all who use the same facilities. The use of social media has become has become an invaluable tool in promoting clubs, the game and the ability to communicate with everyone quickly. We take online safety seriously and discourage parents from sharing photographs on social media of our teams in action. 

There is a private High Littleton Football Club Facebook page for club members only. This is to ensure the safety of all of our under 18s. 
The following are guidelines that it is encouraged that ALL members of the club look at:


You are responsible for Your behaviour. Whether as a parent upset by your child or another child's performance. By the decision an official makes. By the reaction of another spectator or coach.
We control what comes out of our mouths. 
Football can be an emotional game and its very easy to get caught up in the moment but once its said, it's said.
Let's Keep It Positive

Please see the codes of conduct below. They relate to know regardless of if your a player, coach, spectator or official.